Pakistan Archive

Unseating Political Patriarchy A Toolkit for Debate and Action

The toolkit discusses key issues to revisit for debate and action, spotlights and to-dos which can help in improving effective women’s political participation like, reforms in intra-party structure, electoral modalities, and establish intr-party equality in addition to rethink political culture and ensure accountabilities and compliances.

Accelerating Wind Power Deployment in Pakistan: Capacity Building and Policy Options

Year 2015 had defined the future agenda of renewable energy (RE) for the coming decades. As regards, the UN General Assembly adopted “Affordable and Clean Energy” as a sustainable development goal. Later, historic Paris Agreement suggested to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050 which is impossible without large-scale RE production. The year 2016 also witnessed record level of RE investment and capacity addition indicating a strong business case in future. Even though, RE has been termed vital to achieve sustainable development goals, some challenges still persist, especially in developing counties, including Pakistan. Third in a series – this policy paper not only discusses the barriers hampering wind power growth in Pakistan but also provides various policy and capacity building tools to overcome problems in areas such as: a) effective management of renewable energy integration; b) better understanding for RE costs and tariff determination; and c) financial modelling techniques for better financial close.