Unseating Political Patriarchy A Toolkit for Debate and Action
The past fifteen years of quota-induced increase in female representation and participation in Pakistani politics still have not substantially addressed the disconnect between women’s increased presence in legislative bodies and their second-class citizenship status, i.e. gender-based cross-sectoral discrimination and deprivation, as visible in an overall categorisation as low human development, in
particular in gender-specific disaggregation and comparison, leading some to put a question mark on women’s empowerment through gender quotas.
This toolkit is part of a comparative action research project and its publication series were prepared with the support of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Afghanistan and Pakistan offices.
Product details
Table of contents
Introductory Remarks 5
Brief Overview of Quota Designs and Experiences Worldwide 11
How to Unseat Political Patriarchy? Spotlights on Experiences & Assessments of
Gender Quota Parliamentarians in Pakistan - Food for Thought on Debate and Action 20
Suggested Further Reading / Current Policy Reports 39