Unseating Political Patriarchy A Toolkit for Debate and Action

The past fifteen years of quota-induced increase in female representation and participation in Pakistani politics still have not substantially addressed the disconnect between women’s increased presence in legislative bodies and their second-class citizenship status, i.e. gender-based cross-sectoral discrimination and deprivation, as visible in an overall categorisation as low human development, in

particular in gender-specific disaggregation and comparison, leading some to put a question mark on women’s empowerment through gender quotas.

This toolkit is part of a comparative action research project and its publication series were prepared with the support of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Afghanistan and Pakistan offices.

Product details
Date of Publication
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication
Table of contents

Introductory Remarks           5

Brief Overview of Quota Designs and Experiences Worldwide          11

How to Unseat Political Patriarchy? Spotlights on Experiences & Assessments of

Gender Quota Parliamentarians in Pakistan - Food for Thought on Debate and Action          20

Suggested Further Reading / Current Policy Reports          39