Daikundi Report

The Main Drivers of Water Shortage in Daikundi Province

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The purpose of this study is to identify the main drivers of water shortage in Daikundi Province of Afghanistan. In addition, this research covers a comprehensive range of topics, broken down into the following: Water resources in Daikundi, groundwater level, Traditional and non-traditional irrigation systems in Daikundi Province and their effect on water shortage, causes of water shortage in Daikundi, challenges of water management, land degradation, water shortage and land degradation impact on men and women in Daikundi, conflicts over water resources, impact of water shortage on economic situation of local communities, the communities’ role in managing water, case studies of three target districts, conclusion and recommendations.

Product details
Date of Publication
October 2023
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V., Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication
Table of contents

Executive summary.



Water sources in Daikundi

  Springs and KarizS in Daikundi

  Mountain snowpack.

  Water Wells.


Groundwater level in Daikundi

 Irrigation System In Daikundi Province.

  Traditional and Non-Traditional Irrigation systems and their effect on water shortage.

Causes of water shortage in Daikundi

Challenges of water management in Daikundi province.

Land degradation in Daikundi

  Reasons of Land Degradation in Daikundi

  Water shortage and land degradation impacts on men and women in Daikundi

Conflicts over Water Resources.

Impact of water shortage on economic situation of locals.

Community’s role in managing water.

Target districts (Meramoor, Shahristan and Nili)

  Meramoor District.

  Shahristan District.

  Nili District.
