As part of an effort by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Pakistan to further debate on the relationship between Women, Culture and Development, a discussion between various women scholars and activists was organized in the regional office in Lahore in 1994. The first meeting was developed to an Annual Women and Religion Symposium, held from 1996 until 2002, and was addressing a range of issues pertaining to women and different religious traditions.
Based on the Women and Religion Symposium held at Chiang Mai Thailand in 1996, this book examines the Problems and Prospects for Women in different religious traditions, providing a broad overview of certain conceptual and practical issues.
» Women and Religion Vol. II - The Hidden Woman (1999)
The Theme of the “Hidden Woman” was chosen to illustrate how women have in fact always been challenging the religious establishment, not so much in rejecting a given system than demanding equal rights within it, frequently along individualistic and unique lines. The findings of the book are based on the Women and Religion Symposium held at Anuradhapura Sri Lanka in 1997.
» Women and Religion Vol. III - Seeds of Violence (1999)
This book examines the social, scriptural and symbolic dimensions of different religions in order to locate the “seeds of violence” against women and is based on the Women and Religion Symposium held at Istanbul, Turkey in 1998.
» Women and Religion Vol. IV - Desire and Resistance (2001)
Based on the Women and Religion Symposium held at Angkor Wat Cambodia in 2000, this book is centered on the interconnections between Women, Sexuality, and religion.
» Women and Religion Vol. V - Text and Context: Critical Alternatives (2002)
This book examines different conceptions and critiques of religious texts and contexts reflecting certain key concerns about women’s engagement with religion. They include questions related to modernity, gender, interpretation, and culture. It is based on the Fifth Symposium held at Women and Ecology Wholeness Farm, Mendez Philippines in 2001.
»Women and Religion Vol. VI – Religious Violence: Conflict and Resolution (2005)
This book examines different conceptions and critiques of religious violence and conflicts reflecting key concerns about women’s engagement with these issues and religion.